Customer Reviews For The First Alert DWS-471 Digital Wireless Recording System with 7 inch Display

Overall Rating

3 Reviews
3 customers recommend this product
Rick Bellew
December 13, 2016
Verified Purchase

I like this very much. I can see who might be sneaking around. No more stealing of my wood. Captured on tape. Very simple to set up to. Thanks again.

Bob Clapp
July 2, 2015
Verified Purchase
improved camera

the older model camera was removed and this new one is a great improvement along with an easy installation. The additional features are enjoyed also.

Randy Becker
June 3, 2015
Verified Purchase
Digital Wireless Recording System DWS-471

System is user friendly with no installment problems. Picture clarity for identification purposes could be better, but overall it is a good system for the price.

The First Alert DWS-471 digital wireless recording system with 7 inch LCD display supports up to 4 cameras with a wireless range of 500 feet. The built in display lets you monitor and record up to 4 different locations in clear color video. There are several recording modes to choose from based on your current situation including manual recording, motion-detection recording and alarm activated recording. The DWS-471 security system comes with one (DWC-400) Indoor/Outdoor Camera with night vision, but more cameras can be added for extra security. Keep your family and valuables protected without dealing with the hassle of wires with the DWS-471 wireless security system from First Alert.

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