Customer Reviews For The First Alert DWS-401 Digital Wireless Recording System, Camera and Receiver

Overall Rating

2 Reviews
2 customers recommend this product
Emilio Alvarez
July 29, 2013
Verified Purchase
Digital wireless

easy setup. limited ability to locate around house due to power outlet requirements. Rechargeable Li-Ion battery operated would work better.

Joseph Pollard
April 11, 2013
Verified Purchase
Good System for the money cruncher

Bought this system to replace my X10 Cam system. I needed an upto date system with nightvision and DVR recording as my X10 system did not have either quality with out being updated. The DVR setup, and camera setup are very easy and quick to get up and running. NightVision works great in total darkeness. It actually looks like I have it lit up outside. The clarity of the camera falls a little short. If you know the person, you will have no problems identifying them, however, I do not think the cameras are sufficiant to identify a complete stranger. From what I understand, you really have to spend some bucks to get digital cameras that clear. PROS:easy to setup, great nightvision,quality product,price. CONS: Image detail is limited, Motion detects to many false alarms even at minimum sensativity, add on cameras are a bit pricey for the lack of image detail.

The First Alert DWS-401 four channel MPEG-4 wireless digital video recorder system supports up to 4 cameras with a wireless range of 500 feet. This security system allows you to simultaneously record four different locations at once with several recording modes to choose from. Simply connect the receiver to your home TV or a monitor. The easy to use interface allows you to take advantage of all the security system features including pairing cameras wirelessly, adjusting camera settings, playing back recorded video, switching recording modes and many more. Keep your family and valuables protected without dealing with the hassle of wires with the DWS-401 wireless security system from First Alert.

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