Customer Reviews For The First Alert Digital Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Camera, 500 Ft Range, DWC-400

Overall Rating

6 Reviews
6 customers recommend this product
Patti  Cook
January 26, 2017
Verified Purchase

Happy with product.

Peggy Jacob
March 11, 2015
Verified Purchase
Nice add-on option

Nice add-on option. I tried the cameras to be sure they worked, and they did.

Chris Hawk
February 20, 2014
Verified Purchase

Your sales staff was great. I went to the Menards store in our area and they told me that I could not get this camera that it was discontinued. I called your sales staff and they was able to help me. From now on I will deal with you directly and not return to Menards. Thank You to the Sales Staff Very Helpful!!!!!

richard kody
September 13, 2013
Verified Purchase

Easy install.

Ken H.
April 29, 2013
Verified Purchase
Works well

I found that the camera works well. Pairing and installation was easy. My only complaint is that the night vision feature doesnt work that well. The images are in black and white and very hard to make out. It works much better in a well lit area.

Joseph Pollard
April 11, 2013
Verified Purchase
Good Camera

Bought this add on for the DWS-401 System. The system is a good system for the money. However, these add on cameras are a bit pricey for the lack of detailed image. Easily identify a person you know, but limited to identify a stranger. The camera does have great nightvision and is a quality built camera.

The First Alert DWC-400 wireless security camera for the First Alert DWS Series DVR systems is suitable for applications such as residential, light commercial, small business/retail, small warehouse or small grocery. This wireless security camera has a wireless range of 500 feet and includes mounting hardware which provides flexibility in your security setup. The convenient mounting stand and bracket allow you to place this security camera on walls, ceilings or on a flat surface. The DWC-400 Wireless Security Camera can be used with wireless security systems like the first alert DWS-401, DWS-471 and DWS-472 camera and DVR packages.

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